Ethnocentrism Assignment – Exercise #7 EXTRA ++
1. Read about Ethnocentrism on Edmodo (Week #6)
European Imperialism Imperialism, the practice of taking over other lands, was heavily practiced by Europe starting in the sixteenth century.
The Mandate of Heaven One of the most prominent examples of ethnocentrism was the Sinocentric system developed out of the idea of the "Mandate of Heaven" proliferated by the Chinese philosopher confusic.
Nazi Germany One of the most well known and the most horrible examples of ethnocentrism to ever occur was during Nazi Germany.
3. What country is known for being ethnocentric today?
United States
4. What is the famous quote from Shylock which reminds all of us of our humanity?
"if you prick us, do we not bleed? if you trickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die?And if you wrong us, shall we not seek revenge?"
5. Look at the two maps of ethnocentric Americans and ethnocentric Indians.
6. Now make your own map showing how Emiratis see the world